our speakers are awesome, lovelace colloquium is fab, pornography is strange

For the last few months, my writing here has been slow, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. Actually, I’ve had articles published on a couple of other blogs, which probably have a slightly higher readership than this one…

On computer weekly

The BCSWomen Lovelace is a conference I set up and have been running for 7 years. This coming event has a super lineup, so I have done a post introducing our awesome speakers at the BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium

And a general overview of the colloquium which describes the background, and also why it is great.

Still spaces (Reading Uni, April 16th, sign up here: at the BCS site) if you want to come. Awesome speakers, inspirational students, free lunch…. maybe even free beer.

On the software sustainability institute blog

I’ve published an article on Lena or “How a photo from Playboy became part of scientific culture”; describing how computer vision seems to have strangely adopted a photo from a 1973 issue of playboy.

I was born in 1973 so that particular image is older than me… How strange is that?

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